Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Treat Of the Day

Some days are just pretty by themselves, with a good chat with a close friend, or sipping your most favored coffee, or even spending time alone... but then come other days where you are surprised as those days are such which come accompanied by
"Treat Of the Day" fun and cute stuff.

This ritual of mine started a year or two ago where when I love something fun, quirky, anything that inspires me, makes me smile or something I can relate to I buy, or when someone else does something sweet for me I call it my "Treat of the day" because it made me smile!

Today's treat was this Lulu Guinness book that I am in love with to bits!

I'll share the introduction paragraph by Lulu as i find inspiring and i hope it can inspire you...

"Lulu is a fictional character, based on myself, except that she is timeless, ageless, and has long legs i can only dream of possessing. Through her I am trying to encourage you to live life with wit and wisdom, and to find the confidence to create an individual style for yourself on the outside and-- perhaps most important of all-- to have a good heart on the inside. Put on your pearls, Girls is meant to inspire you and to be proud of your femininity and to laugh at yourself with others."

"Put on your pearls on girls"

Inside the book
Tips and Notes
Glam Advice!
Lessons from LuLu
So True!
I never forget to, not one day
I thank you for this treat of the day
smiles x