Monday, February 14, 2011

How nice is too nice?

Random acts of kindness should have been something that was ingrained in human kind naturally and should have been acted upon normally. Today, we live in a world where kindness is questioned and sweet gestures are cross-examined; ulterior motives towards generosity are scanned and doubled checked before accepting a pure random act of kindness.

“What did I do to deserve this?” one asked. At first, she let the question slip not understanding why this question came up anyway, she hadn’t realized that we live in a world today where random acts of kindness is never being played.

“Yes, I do live on kindheartedness & thoughtfulness. That’s what I live on everyday. It’s my inspiration and that is why as much as I can, I practice it. Making someone smile is a mission that I choose to accomplish everyday but how nice is too nice?” she thought.

The smallest gesture, even a smile for that matter is an act of kindness, one shouldn’t let their problems, daily fears, or thoughts ruin their personalities. We shouldn’t let the bad attitudes of people ruin our character. These things start shaping our lives and before we know it “KABOOOOM” here we are, labeled the “nasty” of society.

If you hadn’t asked, I wouldn’t have thought; but I wont lie the question still remains there. Even I, as a participant to the “random act of kindness” gestures don’t understand the perception people have of being nice.

NO its not because I want something in return, or I’m being nice for a ‘cause’ that will end soon. It’s just who I am. It’s just what I do. You smile I smile. Ever heard of that? Sometimes there doesn’t have to be a reason for you to be nice, you could just call it the “I’m being nice day” everyday. No questions asked, not knowing why people deserve your love. Just the simple me, making the simple you, whom I don’t know very well smile.

It’s just that simple.

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